labrador, kes ei ole päris labrador (labrador who is not really labrador)
käisime täna sõprade juures, kes elavad väikeses külas haapsalu lähedal. jaanil on veelgi rohkem mootorrattaid, mopeede, jalgrattaid ja mida kõike veel kui kullol... nende poeg mart on tõnust seitse kuud noorem. kadri on tõeline koduperenaine, sest ta läks meie kohalikust koolist muusikaõpetaja kohalt ära, et last sünnitada. aga ta võttis lapsega üksi ette reisi viljandisse oma pere juurde, et natuke värsket õhku hingata (seejuures ei juhi ta ise autot) ning oli mõned päevad tallinnas, enne kui me nad täna pärastlõunal peale võtsime.
ausalt öeldes, kui autosse on pakitud kaks titte, üks koer ja kolm täiskasvanut, siis on isegi lühike reis haapsalu lähedale päris kõva katsumus. tõnu käitumine on vabandatav ainult tänu sellele, et ta ei ole veel päris terve, kuigi paranemas...
jaanil ja kadril on ka koer viiking, kes näeb nii väga labradori moodi välja, et temas lihtsalt peab olema veidi labradori verd. ning kuna tema isaks on tundmatu suur must koer, siis võib see väga vabalt tõsi olla. viiking on isegi sama näljane nagu üks labrador peab olema:)
(today we visited some friends who live in a small village near haapsalu. jaan has even more motorcycles, mopeds, bicycles and what not than kullo does... their son mart is seven months younger than tõnu. kadri is a real housewife since she quit teaching music at our local school before giving birth to mart. but she took a journey to get some fresh air, alone with the kid to her family in viljandi (and mind, she does not drive) and stayed in tallinn for a few days before we picked them up this afternoon. well, with a car packed with two babies, one dog and three grown-ups even the short trip to their place was quite a handful. tõnu is excused for his behaviour only considering that he is still not well, but getting better...
jaan and kadri also have a dog viking who looks so much like labrador retriever that he must have some labrador blood in him. and since the father is an unknown large black dog, this could very well be true. viking is even as hungry as a labrador...)
ausalt öeldes, kui autosse on pakitud kaks titte, üks koer ja kolm täiskasvanut, siis on isegi lühike reis haapsalu lähedale päris kõva katsumus. tõnu käitumine on vabandatav ainult tänu sellele, et ta ei ole veel päris terve, kuigi paranemas...
jaanil ja kadril on ka koer viiking, kes näeb nii väga labradori moodi välja, et temas lihtsalt peab olema veidi labradori verd. ning kuna tema isaks on tundmatu suur must koer, siis võib see väga vabalt tõsi olla. viiking on isegi sama näljane nagu üks labrador peab olema:)
(today we visited some friends who live in a small village near haapsalu. jaan has even more motorcycles, mopeds, bicycles and what not than kullo does... their son mart is seven months younger than tõnu. kadri is a real housewife since she quit teaching music at our local school before giving birth to mart. but she took a journey to get some fresh air, alone with the kid to her family in viljandi (and mind, she does not drive) and stayed in tallinn for a few days before we picked them up this afternoon. well, with a car packed with two babies, one dog and three grown-ups even the short trip to their place was quite a handful. tõnu is excused for his behaviour only considering that he is still not well, but getting better...
jaan and kadri also have a dog viking who looks so much like labrador retriever that he must have some labrador blood in him. and since the father is an unknown large black dog, this could very well be true. viking is even as hungry as a labrador...)
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