Wednesday, August 10, 2005

uudised titerindel (news on the babyfront)

meil on siin üks sell, kes õpib käima. talle meeldib hirmsasti, et ta saab omaenda kahe jala peal seista ja ringi liikuda ilma, et peaks kusagilt kinni hoidma. isegi see ei loe, et pootsu ta iga päev vähemalt tosin korda ümber lükkab. ta lihtsalt tõuseb püsti ja läheb edasi.
(there is this guy here who is learning to walk. and he is really loving it that he can stand and move on his own two feet without anything to hold on to. and it does not matter that pootsu is pushing him over at least a dozen times a day, he just gets up and moves on.)


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