b&w, today in tallinn

stockholmi linnafotode näitus arhitektuurimuuseumis on tõesti kõva. mina ei tea, kuidas selliseid mustvalgeid fotosid trükitakse, kuid need on tõesti hämmastavad, teravad, selged ja ajatud. kuid näitus, mis on üleval viru keskuses, küll niimoodi jalust ei raba. mõned hr vissaku maastikud on head, aga trükikvaliteet näeb välja, nagu oleks need kodutindipritsist välja lastud, fotod raamides rullivad. küsida sellise kvaliteedi eest 1500 krooni näib olevat pisut ülepingutatud.
(the exhibition of stockholm city photograhs in the architecture museum is really really something. i do not know how they make these black and white prints, but they are just astonishing, crisp, clear and ageless. on the other hand, the exhibition that is on in viru center is not so breath-taking. some of the landscapes of mr vissak are good, but the print quality looks like they have run out of a home inkjet, the photos are curled inside the frames. to ask around 1500 kroons for this quality seems a bit exaggerated.)
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