kontsert (concert)
kullo oli nii lahke ja lubas mul reedel viljandisse folgile minna. ta ise jäi tõnu ja pootsuga koju. see oli esimene kord viimase aasta jooksul, kus ei pidanud muretsema kellegi une- ega söögiaegade pärast. mõnus.
ma olin viljandis kogu päeva ja jõudsin tagasi järgmisel hommikul pool kolm. palju inimesi, palju muusikat. lava peal ja murul. aga ise kuulsin-nägin ainult ühte kontserti. elektriviiuliga meest tiit kikast. ta meenutas mulle natuke "tubular bells II-e". täitsa hea minu meelest. veider ainult, et sõbrad, kellega kontserdil olin, jäid mõlemad peaaegu magama, kuigi kikas andis oma viiuli ja arvutiga müra tegemisel endast parima. asi oli vist selles soojas ja pimedas saalis, kus ta mängis ning selles, et kell oli juba 11 õhtul.
kogu ülejäänud viljandi-aeg kulus sõprade nägemisele ja külastamisele. ja see oli tõeliselt mõnus. hea oli teid näha, margus, heldur, ahto, agu, riina, tiina, tiit, talvi, maku, and karl!
(kullo was so kind to let me go to viljandi on friday to see the folk music festival (www.folk.ee/2005) there. he stayed at home with tõnu and pootsu. it was the first time in a year when i didn´t have to worry about anybody´s bedtimes and feeding times. nice.
i was in viljandi for the whole day and got back home at about 2.30 AM the next morning. lots and lots of people, lots and lots of music. on-stage, off-stage. but i only heard and saw one concert. it was the man with the electric violin tiit kikas (www.tiitkikas.com). he reminded me a little of tubular bells II. he was quite ok, i think. weird, that the friends i was with at the concert, both almost went to sleep, although kikas did his best in making noise with his instrument and his computer. i guess, it was the fault of the warm and dark room where he played, and it was 11 PM, too.
all the other time in viljandi i spent on meeting and visiting friends. and this was really nice. it was nice to see you, margus, heldur, ahto, agu, riina, tiina, tiit, talvi, maku, and karl!)
ma olin viljandis kogu päeva ja jõudsin tagasi järgmisel hommikul pool kolm. palju inimesi, palju muusikat. lava peal ja murul. aga ise kuulsin-nägin ainult ühte kontserti. elektriviiuliga meest tiit kikast. ta meenutas mulle natuke "tubular bells II-e". täitsa hea minu meelest. veider ainult, et sõbrad, kellega kontserdil olin, jäid mõlemad peaaegu magama, kuigi kikas andis oma viiuli ja arvutiga müra tegemisel endast parima. asi oli vist selles soojas ja pimedas saalis, kus ta mängis ning selles, et kell oli juba 11 õhtul.
kogu ülejäänud viljandi-aeg kulus sõprade nägemisele ja külastamisele. ja see oli tõeliselt mõnus. hea oli teid näha, margus, heldur, ahto, agu, riina, tiina, tiit, talvi, maku, and karl!
(kullo was so kind to let me go to viljandi on friday to see the folk music festival (www.folk.ee/2005) there. he stayed at home with tõnu and pootsu. it was the first time in a year when i didn´t have to worry about anybody´s bedtimes and feeding times. nice.
i was in viljandi for the whole day and got back home at about 2.30 AM the next morning. lots and lots of people, lots and lots of music. on-stage, off-stage. but i only heard and saw one concert. it was the man with the electric violin tiit kikas (www.tiitkikas.com). he reminded me a little of tubular bells II. he was quite ok, i think. weird, that the friends i was with at the concert, both almost went to sleep, although kikas did his best in making noise with his instrument and his computer. i guess, it was the fault of the warm and dark room where he played, and it was 11 PM, too.
all the other time in viljandi i spent on meeting and visiting friends. and this was really nice. it was nice to see you, margus, heldur, ahto, agu, riina, tiina, tiit, talvi, maku, and karl!)
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