muttide treff (oldies meeting)
eile tuutuga räpina taga ema kursaõdede kokkutulekul. tädi mari ja onu enn on ostnud omale igavese uhke, 120 aastat vana talukoha paksude metsade, mägede ja jõgede-järvede vahel. seal siis treff toimuski. isegi peaaegu kõik olid kohal.
tädi lille ja tädi ene viskasid mõnuga viina ja tegid nalja, nagu alati, väimeespoeg indrek muudkui aga käis ja täitis pitse. onu enn võttis oma tarust välja "lüpsisooja" meekärje ja kõik lapsed olid tal parvena ümber.
koju jõudsime veidi enne 1 öösel. ja hommikul selgus, et mõned asjad olid meie majast ära varastatud. valvekoer pootsmann ei teinud seekord hoiatuseks piuksugi.
(yesterday me and tuutu went to the meeting of my mother´s classmates from the university. it was in south estonia, near räpina. aunt mari and uncle enn had bought a grand 120 years old farm, surrounded by thic forrests, hills, rivers and lakes. that´s where the meeting took place. and almost everybody came, too.
aunt lille and aunt ene drank vodka cheerfully and cracked jokes, as always, and aunt lille´s son-in-law indrek kept filling the glasses. uncle enn took a fresh honeycomb out from the beehive and all the children were swarming around him.
we got home just before 1 AM. and it turned out in the morning that some stuff had been stolen from our house. watchdog pootsmann didn´t make a sound of warning this time.)
tädi lille ja tädi ene viskasid mõnuga viina ja tegid nalja, nagu alati, väimeespoeg indrek muudkui aga käis ja täitis pitse. onu enn võttis oma tarust välja "lüpsisooja" meekärje ja kõik lapsed olid tal parvena ümber.
koju jõudsime veidi enne 1 öösel. ja hommikul selgus, et mõned asjad olid meie majast ära varastatud. valvekoer pootsmann ei teinud seekord hoiatuseks piuksugi.
(yesterday me and tuutu went to the meeting of my mother´s classmates from the university. it was in south estonia, near räpina. aunt mari and uncle enn had bought a grand 120 years old farm, surrounded by thic forrests, hills, rivers and lakes. that´s where the meeting took place. and almost everybody came, too.
aunt lille and aunt ene drank vodka cheerfully and cracked jokes, as always, and aunt lille´s son-in-law indrek kept filling the glasses. uncle enn took a fresh honeycomb out from the beehive and all the children were swarming around him.
we got home just before 1 AM. and it turned out in the morning that some stuff had been stolen from our house. watchdog pootsmann didn´t make a sound of warning this time.)
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