Wednesday, August 24, 2005

varandus (treasures)

vaatasin täna venna juures, kuidas onu hans mängis henriku mänguasjadega. ma arvan, et nendest kannidest oleks temale jätkunud mängida terveks aastaks. ta võttis iga asja nii põhjalikult ette ega pannud seda enne käest, kui oli üksipulgi läbi uurinud. tema jaoks on see vist terve varakamber. ja ega sellised aasta tuuris vennad, kellel tähelepanu jätkub tihtipeale pooleks sekundiks, ei oska oma varandust ju päriselt hinnata.

palju õnne sünnipäevaks, kallis venna!

(today at my brother´s place I watched how uncle hans was playing with henrik´stoys. i think these toys would have lasted him a whole year. he dealt with each thing so thoroughly and wouldn´t put it away before he was done with it completely. i suppose that for him it must have been a real chest of treasures. and these guys who are just a year old or so and whose attention span is half a second long sometimes, they don´t know how to appreciate their treasures really.

happy birthday, dear brother!)


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