veel rohkem vett (even more water)
täna olime samas kohas, kus ma käisin eile - jahimeeste onnis meie küla lähedal. seal oli kullo sünnipäev ja see oli üllatus, sellepärast ei saanud ma eile midagi öelda. eile kartsin väga ilma pärast, ja täna sadaski, kui me seal olime. aga jõudsime ilusti kohale, hoolimata mudasest teest, sest margus tuli oma villisega ja jaan oma mossega - need vanad nõukogude masinad on ikka ühed toredad asjad! mul on tõesti hea meel, et nii paljud inimesed tulid, suur aitäh teile! ja nagu johann ütles, minu kaameras on palju pilte, kuid ma olen praegu omadega nii läbi, et panen mõned neist üles homme...
(today we were at the same place as i went to yesterday - a hunters´ hut nearby our village. kullo´s birthday was there and it was a surprise, so i couldn´t tell anything yesterday. i was real worried about the weather yesterday and it did rain as we were there today. but we got there fine despite the muddy road, because margus came with his "villis" and jaan with his moskvitch - what a great thing these old soviet cars are! i am really glad that so many people came, thank you so much! and as johann said, there are lots of photos in my camera, but i am so waisted now that i will post some tomorrow...)
(today we were at the same place as i went to yesterday - a hunters´ hut nearby our village. kullo´s birthday was there and it was a surprise, so i couldn´t tell anything yesterday. i was real worried about the weather yesterday and it did rain as we were there today. but we got there fine despite the muddy road, because margus came with his "villis" and jaan with his moskvitch - what a great thing these old soviet cars are! i am really glad that so many people came, thank you so much! and as johann said, there are lots of photos in my camera, but i am so waisted now that i will post some tomorrow...)
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