
olin eile naabrile lapsehoidjaks ja mängisime natuke võrkpalli.
ja kui täna jalutama läksime, tegi üks külapoiss oma tsikliga väikese tiiru tee peal, mis põldude vahel jookseb. edasi-tagasi, edasi-tagasi. külma oli oma miinus viis kraadi, aga tema sõitis mootorrattaga. see meenutas selle aasta esimest jaanuari, kui kullo külgkorviga väikese tiiru tegi. siis oli veelgi külmem.
igal juhul oli see täna päris hea tervitus talvele.
i was babysitting a neighbour yesterday and we played some volleyball.
and today as we went for our walk one of the boys in the village was testing his old bike on a road that runs between the fields. back and forth, back and forth. it was around minus 5 degrees celsius outside, and he was riding a bike. it reminded me of this years new years day when kullo took the sidecar for a spin. it was even colder then.
anyway, this was a real welcome for the winter today.
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