kollased triibud (yellow stripes)
sellel uhkel kollasetriibulisel kassil on oma tuba ja ta on veidi arg, et liiga palju õues käia. aga ta oli siiski uudishimulik - tuli varsti peidust välja, et vaadata, mis sellel väikesel poisil plaanis on ja kas temaga saaks ehk veidi mängida.
(this is a swell yellow-striped cat who has her own room and who is too shy to leave the house much. but she was curious nevertheless - soon she came out of hiding to see what this little boy was up to and if he was any good to play with.)
(this is a swell yellow-striped cat who has her own room and who is too shy to leave the house much. but she was curious nevertheless - soon she came out of hiding to see what this little boy was up to and if he was any good to play with.)
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