
ekspressi birgit palus, et ma teeksin loo näitleja tonu kargiga, kus ta kirjeldab oma tavalist päeva (selles "elu ühes päevas" seerias). kark osutus hoopis teistsuguseks inimeseks, kui ma olin ette kujutanud. millegipärast ei pidanud teda meheks, kes kavandab kõik ette kõige väiksema detailini.
birgit from ekspress asked if i would do an interview with the actor tonu kark, where he discribes his typical day (in the "life in a day of..." series). kark turned out to be a completely different kind of person than i had imagined. somehow i didn´t think that he would be the "i plan everything ahead to the minutest of details" kind of man.
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