some old news: my first show
17. jaanuaril oli mul päris esimene fotonäitus:) tagadi lähedale ähvardatakse ehitada mõned (tegelikult 7) paekivikaevandused . mõned naabrid, eriti mihkel, on hakanud sellele aktiivselt vastu töötama. mihkel palus, et ma teeksin mõned fotod juba tegutsevast kaevandusest - nii sõitsingi järva-jaani lähedale karinusse ja veetsin seal mõned tunnid. fotod olid üleval sellel koosolekul sakus, kus karjääride rajamist arutati. teistes valdades tuleb veel koosolekuid ja pildid käivad siis nendega kaasas.
on the 17th of january i had my very first photoshow:) they are threatening to build a couple of (actually 7) limestone quarries near our village. a few of the neighbours, especially mihkel, have started to actively work against this. mihkel asked, if i could take a few pictures of a quarry that is already operating - so i drove to karinu near järva-jaani and spent a few hours there. the photos were on show at the meeting in saku where the building of the quarries was discussed. There will be more meetings at other parishes involved and the photos will travel with the meetings.
on the 17th of january i had my very first photoshow:) they are threatening to build a couple of (actually 7) limestone quarries near our village. a few of the neighbours, especially mihkel, have started to actively work against this. mihkel asked, if i could take a few pictures of a quarry that is already operating - so i drove to karinu near järva-jaani and spent a few hours there. the photos were on show at the meeting in saku where the building of the quarries was discussed. There will be more meetings at other parishes involved and the photos will travel with the meetings.
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