autobild tellis mult loo mootorkelkudest. nii olen viimase nädala püüdnud nende kohta igasuguseid asju teada saada. ma ei olnud kunagi sellele mõelnud, et need masinad on sama võimsad kui mootorrattad, paljud neist saavad 100 kätte 4 sekundiga nagu mõni 1000cc-ne bike... ja kuigi nad toetuvad maha 3 punktis, pole need sugugi stabiilsemad mootorrattast. usun, et ma pole ainus, kes sellest endale aru ei anna - sealt ka paljud kelkudega juhtunud õnnetused. aga sõita on nendega ikkagi äge!
autobild wanted me to do a story on snowmobiles. so for the last week i have been trying to find out stuff about them. i never thought about it that these machines are as powerful as motorcycles, many of them reaching 100 km/h with about 4 seconds like a 1000cc bike... and although they touch the ground at 3 points, they are not necessarily more stabile than a motorcycle. i believe i am not the only person who did not realize this - hence the accidents that have happened with snowmobiles. but they are anyway a lot of fun to ride!
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