isa sai reedel 60. palju õnne!!!
purjekad on issile meeldinud väikesest peale. ta ütleb, et selle pildi peal on ta koos vanema venna ehitatud mudeliga.
sellest ajast saadik on palju aega mööda läinud ja issi on ise palju jahte ehitanud, mitte ainult mudeleid. tema ja ta hullud sõbrad ehitasid isegi ühe ameerika karika jahi ja räägitakse, et ladybird on eesti kiiremaid kui mitte kõige kiirem jaht - selle ehitas ka minu isa.
my dad turned 60 on friday. happy birthday!!!
dad has liked sailing boats since he was a little kid. he says he is with a model that his older brother made here on this picture.
a lot of time has passed since and dad has made a lot of yachts himself, not just models. he and his crazy friends even built an america´s cup challenger and it is said that the yacht ladybird is one of the fastest if not the fastest yacht in estonia - that was also built by my father.
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