side and car

eile üritasime minna metsatölli&oorti&veel millegi kontserdile rock cafes. ebaõnnestunult - järjekord lookles trepist alla hoovi peale, kui me sinna jõudsime. sees pidi olema rahvast pungil täis. pikajuukselised nahkades fännid parvlesid üle tee prisma poes, ostes õlut ja tekitades kaost. falcki tegelased poes ei olnud eriti õnnelike nägudega...
aga neljapäeval käisime külas sellel mehel, kes piilub välja oma külgkorviga rinkarattast. tema nimi on tarmo tempel, ta on 54 aastat vana, ta elab aegviidus ja on võidu sõitnud sama kaua, kui mina olen elanud. ja ta ütleb, et ei kavatse niipeagi lõpetada. näib, et ta naudib seda täiega, kuigi see ala on üks hullumeelsemaid, mida mina näinud olen. eriti selle inimese jaoks, kes külkas on (vaata mustvalget pilti!)
we tried to go to the metsatöll&oort&something concert at rock cafe yesterday. no luck - the que was down the stairs and on the courtyard when we arrived there. it must have been completely packed inside. the longhaired leatherclad fans flocked in the prisma store across the street, buying beer and creating chaos. the falck people in the store didn´t seem very happy...
but thursday we visited this man who is peeping out of his sidecar racing motorcycle. his name is tarmo tempel, he is 54 years old, he lives in aegviidu and he has been racing as long as i have lived. and he says that he is not planning to stop. seems that he is having a lot of fun, although this sport is one of the craziest that i have ever seen. especially for the person who is in the sidecar (look at the b&w picture!) of this machine...
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