Monday, November 28, 2005
Friday, November 25, 2005
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
scooter capital

neli päeva maailma rollerite pealinnas milanos, millest kaks ma veetsin, pildistades tänavail kõiksugu kahe- ja kolmerattalisi sõidukeid. vahva! mulle see linn täitsa meeldis.
we spent 5 days in the scooter capital of the world milan of which 2 i spent snapping pictures of all kinds of two and even three-wheeled vehicles on the street. fun! i liked this city quite a lot.
Monday, November 14, 2005
arno´s place

laupäeval kutsus arno enda juurde juuru lähedale - viimaks talle tema lemmikõllede saadetist, ja mõnesid uusi marke, mida ta polnud veel proovinud, ja lihtsalt jutu ajamiseks. see on tema vanaisa maja köök - nagu need vanades majades on, astud sellesse suurde kööki ja siis läheb sealt edasi hulk uksi, mis viivad teistesse tubadesse. aga edasi minnakse harva, sest köögis on nii mõnus.
saturday arno invited us to his place near juuru - to drop off a delivery of his favourite beers and some new ones he hadn´t tasted yet and just to chat. this is the kitchen in his grandfather´s house - as they are in old houses, you step into this big kitchen and then there are lots of doors that lead to other rooms. but you seldom go anywhere else because the kitchen is so cousy.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
side and car

eile üritasime minna metsatölli&oorti&veel millegi kontserdile rock cafes. ebaõnnestunult - järjekord lookles trepist alla hoovi peale, kui me sinna jõudsime. sees pidi olema rahvast pungil täis. pikajuukselised nahkades fännid parvlesid üle tee prisma poes, ostes õlut ja tekitades kaost. falcki tegelased poes ei olnud eriti õnnelike nägudega...
aga neljapäeval käisime külas sellel mehel, kes piilub välja oma külgkorviga rinkarattast. tema nimi on tarmo tempel, ta on 54 aastat vana, ta elab aegviidus ja on võidu sõitnud sama kaua, kui mina olen elanud. ja ta ütleb, et ei kavatse niipeagi lõpetada. näib, et ta naudib seda täiega, kuigi see ala on üks hullumeelsemaid, mida mina näinud olen. eriti selle inimese jaoks, kes külkas on (vaata mustvalget pilti!)
we tried to go to the metsatöll&oort&something concert at rock cafe yesterday. no luck - the que was down the stairs and on the courtyard when we arrived there. it must have been completely packed inside. the longhaired leatherclad fans flocked in the prisma store across the street, buying beer and creating chaos. the falck people in the store didn´t seem very happy...
but thursday we visited this man who is peeping out of his sidecar racing motorcycle. his name is tarmo tempel, he is 54 years old, he lives in aegviidu and he has been racing as long as i have lived. and he says that he is not planning to stop. seems that he is having a lot of fun, although this sport is one of the craziest that i have ever seen. especially for the person who is in the sidecar (look at the b&w picture!) of this machine...
Monday, November 07, 2005
Sunday, November 06, 2005

isa sai reedel 60. palju õnne!!!
purjekad on issile meeldinud väikesest peale. ta ütleb, et selle pildi peal on ta koos vanema venna ehitatud mudeliga.
sellest ajast saadik on palju aega mööda läinud ja issi on ise palju jahte ehitanud, mitte ainult mudeleid. tema ja ta hullud sõbrad ehitasid isegi ühe ameerika karika jahi ja räägitakse, et ladybird on eesti kiiremaid kui mitte kõige kiirem jaht - selle ehitas ka minu isa.
my dad turned 60 on friday. happy birthday!!!
dad has liked sailing boats since he was a little kid. he says he is with a model that his older brother made here on this picture.
a lot of time has passed since and dad has made a lot of yachts himself, not just models. he and his crazy friends even built an america´s cup challenger and it is said that the yacht ladybird is one of the fastest if not the fastest yacht in estonia - that was also built by my father.