Tuesday, January 31, 2006


paari nädala eest lendas mu arvutil kõvaketas. ma pole sellest ajast saadik bloogi ühtegi sissekannet teinud. nüüd on masin remondist tagasi, kuid ma kahtlen, kas veel paari päeva või nädala jooksul siia midagi üles riputan. mul on tohutu kuhi tegemata tööd ja väikesel tõnul siin tulevad jälle hambad või mis iganes tal viga on, igal juhul teeb ta mu elu üsna põrguks. pealegi tahaksin väga selle bloogiasja üle veidi järele mõelda, kui võimalus tekib.

a few weeks ago my computer´s harddrive crashed. i haven´t had an entry in this blog since. i have my machine back from the repairs but i doubt if i will enter anything for another couple of days or even weeks. i am really swamped with work and little tõnu here who is having teething problems or whatever is making life quite hell. besides, i would really like to think this whole thing here over, if i get a chance.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

dogs in the mist

real-estate crap

EPL kirjutas remondimeeste puudusest kinnisvaraturul. üks number seal oli hämmastav - 2-toalise korteri remondiks kulub vähemalt 150 000 krooni. seda on rohkem kui maksis minu 2-toaline korter, kui selle umbes 8 aasta eest ostsin. iga kord, kui näen statistikat selle kohta, kui palju inimesed on hakanud pangast laenu võtma ja kui pikaks ajaks, läheb mul süda pahaks. millega see lõpeb? kust inimesed kõik selle raha võtavad? keskmine palk ei ole nii suur, et seda võimaldada, kuidas nad seega hakkama saavad? kas nemad, kes nad neid suuri laene võtavad ja ostavad neid igavaid ja ülehinnatud kortereid-maju, on tõesti selle olukorra üle õnnelikud ja uhked?
mul ei ole sellele vastust, mulle lihtsalt ei meeldi, kuhu asjad liiguvad. vabadus see küll pole.

Päevaleht wrote about the shortage of repairmen on the real-estate market. there was one number that struck me - to renovate a 2-room apartment costs at least 150 000 kroons. that is more than my 2-room apartment cost when i bought it about 8 years ago. whenever i see numbers about how much loan people have started taking from the banks and for how long time, it makes me sick. where does this end? where do people take all this money from? the average salary is not as high to make all this affordable, so how do they manage. are they who take these huge loans and buy all the dull and overpriced homes really happy and proud about the situation?
i don´t have an answer to this, i just don´t like where all this is leading. freedom it is not.


teller küsis paar päeva tagasi, kust saavad hambapasta sisse triibud, ja vastas ise endale väikese eksperimendi teel. mina tahaksin küll väga teada, kuhu kaovad tikud. ostan üsna sageli 10 pakki tikke. ja iga kord kui ma sirutan käe köögiriiulile, kus tikud ühes väikese korvis on, ei ole seal mitte midagi. nagu eile, kui ma läksin õue vanu kaste põletama ja pidin poest läbi hüppama, et tikuvaru täiendada. keegi peab neid varastama, mingi hiir või mõni teine loom. mina ei leia ühtegi teist seletust...

teller asked a couple of days ago how toothpaste gets its stripes and answered himself by way of a little experiment. what i would like to know is where do the matches go. quite often i buy a 10-pack of matchboxes. and whenever i reach my hand to the shelf in kitchen where the matches are in a small basket there is nothing there. the same happened yesterday when i went outside to burn some old boxes and had to stop by at the store to stock up on matches. somebody must be steeling them, some mouse or other animal. there is no other explanation...

Sunday, January 08, 2006


autobild tellis mult loo mootorkelkudest. nii olen viimase nädala püüdnud nende kohta igasuguseid asju teada saada. ma ei olnud kunagi sellele mõelnud, et need masinad on sama võimsad kui mootorrattad, paljud neist saavad 100 kätte 4 sekundiga nagu mõni 1000cc-ne bike... ja kuigi nad toetuvad maha 3 punktis, pole need sugugi stabiilsemad mootorrattast. usun, et ma pole ainus, kes sellest endale aru ei anna - sealt ka paljud kelkudega juhtunud õnnetused. aga sõita on nendega ikkagi äge!

autobild wanted me to do a story on snowmobiles. so for the last week i have been trying to find out stuff about them. i never thought about it that these machines are as powerful as motorcycles, many of them reaching 100 km/h with about 4 seconds like a 1000cc bike... and although they touch the ground at 3 points, they are not necessarily more stabile than a motorcycle. i believe i am not the only person who did not realize this - hence the accidents that have happened with snowmobiles. but they are anyway a lot of fun to ride!

Friday, January 06, 2006


oleme terve päeva toas istunud. parimatel hetkedel autodega mänginud, halvimatel lihtsalt nutnud. haigus on nõme, eriti kui see kestab juba viiendat päeva.

we have been sitting in the house all day. at the best of moments playing with cars, at the worst just crying. illness sucks, especially when it has lasted for like five days.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Sunday, January 01, 2006


mõni inimene suudab üksipäini tekitada sellist lärmi, nagu oleks külla sisenenud terve raskekahurvägi ja isegi kärbsed ärkavad talveunest.
head uut aastat kõigile!

some people are able to make such noise all on their own as if a whole heavy artillery had entered the village and even the flies wake up from their hibernation.
happy new year to everyone!