Friday, September 30, 2005

in print

veel üks pilt paljassaarelt. ekspressis ilmus sellest käigust üks lugu ka.
(another one from paljassaare. ekspress printed this piece about it, too.)


taotleme passi number 2. esimeses passis oli pilt, kus tuutu magas... sellise passiga võiks üle piiri viia ükskõik millise lapse.
(application for passport number 2. in the first one, there was a picture, where tuutu was sleeping... you could take any child across the border with such a passport.)

Wednesday, September 28, 2005


eile lille ja jüri juures räpinas. suurepärane ilm, head inimesed, vahva päev. suur aitäh kõigile.
(yesterday at lille´s and jüri´s place in räpina. great weather, good people, wonderful day. thanks a lot to everybody.)

Sunday, September 25, 2005


otsisime täna kõnnu järve äärest sügiseseid värve. liiga vara! ainus värviline asi, mille leidsin, oli see kuivanud kuusk.
(today at the kõnnu lake, looking for autumn colours. it turned out to be too early. the only colourful thing i found was this dead fir...)

Saturday, September 24, 2005


täna tagadil (today, tagadi)

Friday, September 23, 2005

grandpa´s watch

eile kehtnas
(we were in kehtna yesterday)

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

twice upon a time

arvo pärt sai 11. septembril 70. olen olnud kaks korda tema muusika sünnile väga lähedal kahel sündmusel, mis mull olid väga tähtsad: kord niguliste kirikus 1999 ja siis londonis aastal 2000. esimene kord nigulistes oli nagu unenägu. oli suur suvi ja ma istusin terve nädala kirikus, vaadates, kuidas tehakse imet. väljas tormas mööda maailm, aga kirikus oli tühjus ja samal ajal täiuslik väike kõiksus, milles polnud puudu millestki. kohtasin seal aarnot ja heidit, kahte tõesti lahedat inimest. ei tea, kas elu on nende vastu viimasel ajal olnud hea?
(arvo pärt turned 70 on september 11. i have been very close to the birth of his music on two concerts that really meant the world for me: once in the niguliste church in 1999 and another time in london in 2000.
the first time in niguliste was like a dream. it was high summer and i sat in the church for a whole week, watching how a miracle was being made. outside was the world rushing by and in the church there was emptiness and at the same time there was this perfect small world that did not lack of anything. i met aarno and heidi there, two really wonderful people. i wonder how life has been for them lately?)

discard everything

mõnikord tuleb jätta sinnapaika kõik, mida sa pead tegema, ja teha seda, mida sa tahad teha. täna ma tahtsin vaadata paljassaaret, seda teist põhja-tallinna poolsaart kopli oma kõrval. ja see oli vapustav. tükike metsikut loodust (seal on lindude kaitseala), mahajäetud nõukogude sõjaväebaasa ja mõned ammuunustatud tööstusrajatised. teed sobivad mägiratastele või maasturitele, igal pool on prahihunnikud ja mälestused piknikutest, mida seal on peetud, kuid see on ikkagi vapustav. jääb vaid loota, et see paik jääb ka edaspidi nii puutumatuks kui inimlikult võimalik.
(sometimes it is necessary to discard everything that you must do and do something that you really want to do. today what i wanted to do was to go and see paljassaare, which is the other peninsula in the northern part of tallinn near the kopli peninsula. it was magnificent. a piece of wild nature (there is a bird reserve there), old soviet military base and some longforgotten industrial erections. the roads ar fit for mountain-bikes or jeeps, there are crap heeps and reminders of pincnics everywhere, but it is still magnificent. it remains to be hoped that the place will stay as untouched as is humanly possible.)

Sunday, September 18, 2005


eile marguse synnipäeval tema juures maal. hemingway ja remarque´i meeleolu jätkub...
(margus celebrated his birthday at his countryhome yesterday. the ambience of hemingway and remarque continued...)

Friday, September 16, 2005

in print

ekspress trükkis ära loo jaani nostalgiapäevadest haapsalus.
foto on ka möödunud nädalavahetusest, kui mihkel lõbutses kellegi omaehitatud imevõrriga.
muidu - ma olen nii ****ing väsinud sellest raamatust, mida ma tõlgin... ma ei ole vist kaks kuud korralikult magada saanud.
(ekspress printed my story on jaan´s days of nostalgia in haapsalu.
the photo is also from last weekend, when mihkel was enjoying himself on someone´s selfmade wonder machine.
otherwise - i´m just so ****ing tired of this book i´m working on... i haven´t had a chance to really properly rest in like two months.)

Sunday, September 11, 2005


meie sõber jaan (paremal külkaga võrril, mille ta ehitas koolimööblist ja torudest) korraldas haapsalus, oma kodulinnas, nostalgiapäevad. olin arvanud, et tal on ainult hulk vanu, enamasti nõukaaegseid, motikaid, mopeede, jalgrattaid. kuid selgub, et tal on sellest ajast tallel veel igasugu uskumatut kraami, näiteks sangari vabriku särk avamata kilepakendis. hiljuti kaebas keegi (ei mäleta enam, kes) kogu selle sovjeediaja nostalgia üle - et inimesed tahavad mäletada ainult head ja unustavad halva. mina olin siis laps. ja pean ütlema, et hea oli näha mõnesid neist asjust, mille välimuse olin ammu unustanud - võibolla olid need kusagil mälusopis alles vaid nimedena, justnagu mingite sümbolitena. näiteks oli kunagi üks mängutelefonisüsteem, mille me vennaga oma tubade vahele üles seadsime, selle nimi oli kaja. täiesti uskumatu, aga jaanil oli kogu see komplekt alles koos karbiga. mõned inimesed ikka oskavad asju hoida.
kuna jaan on üsna perfektsionistlik tüüp, siis oli see nädalavahetus haapsalus täielik reis tagasi aega umbes 20 aasta eest. kuigi ma ei olnud seal, et kõike näha, tahaks ikka öelda suur aitäh!
(our friend jaan (right, on the sidecar-moped he built from pieces of school furniture and some pipes) organized the days of nostalgia in haapsalu, his hometown. i had thought that he only had loads of old, mostly soviet-time, motorcycles, mopeds, bicycles. but it turns out he has all kinds of unbeliavable stuff left from this time, a shirt made by the factory sangar, for example, unopened in a plastic bag. recently someone (i don´t remember, who) complained about all the soviet time nostalgia - that people chose to remember all the good stuff and forget all the bad things. i was a child then. and i have to say, it was good to see again some of these things i had long forgotten how they looked like - maybe in some corner of my mind i still had their names like some symbols. for example, there was this play-telephone set that we had installed between our rooms with my brother and it was called kaja. believe it or not, jaan had the whole kit complete with the box it came in. unbelievable, how some people can preserve things.
as jaan is kind of a perfectionist, this weekend in haapsalu was a complete trip back to a time about 20 years ago. i wasn´t there to witness everything, but thanks a lot anyway!)

Friday, September 09, 2005


this picture of my mom is a few weeks old

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

sister and brother, tagadi

Sunday, September 04, 2005

near the saku motocross track, pootsmann

not so shy

kollased triibud (yellow stripes)

sellel uhkel kollasetriibulisel kassil on oma tuba ja ta on veidi arg, et liiga palju õues käia. aga ta oli siiski uudishimulik - tuli varsti peidust välja, et vaadata, mis sellel väikesel poisil plaanis on ja kas temaga saaks ehk veidi mängida.
(this is a swell yellow-striped cat who has her own room and who is too shy to leave the house much. but she was curious nevertheless - soon she came out of hiding to see what this little boy was up to and if he was any good to play with.)

Saturday, September 03, 2005

today: on the way from pärnu to home, kergu

Thursday, September 01, 2005

1 pm in helsinki

viimane august: the last of august

eile helsingi vahel jalutades avastasime täiesti juhuslikult vana bussijama platsilt fotonäituse Earth from Above. Olin sellest mehest varem kuulnud ja ajakirjades pilte näinud, aga niimoodi tohutu suurte tahvlitena värskes õhus vaadata oli see äärmiselt uhke. kõva oleks vist mingil määral adekvaatne sõna seda iseloomustama.
(yesterday walking around in helsinki we discovered completely by accident at the place where the old bus station used to be a photo exhibition Eart from Above. I had heard about this man before and seen the photos in magazines, but to watch the work this way in the form of gigantic plates in fresh air was extremely grand.)