Monday, August 29, 2005

mister pr6skin aka little mihkel

evapaula and oliver under laura´s wing

mihkel square and margus


Sunday, August 28, 2005

veel rohkem vett (even more water)

täna olime samas kohas, kus ma käisin eile - jahimeeste onnis meie küla lähedal. seal oli kullo sünnipäev ja see oli üllatus, sellepärast ei saanud ma eile midagi öelda. eile kartsin väga ilma pärast, ja täna sadaski, kui me seal olime. aga jõudsime ilusti kohale, hoolimata mudasest teest, sest margus tuli oma villisega ja jaan oma mossega - need vanad nõukogude masinad on ikka ühed toredad asjad! mul on tõesti hea meel, et nii paljud inimesed tulid, suur aitäh teile! ja nagu johann ütles, minu kaameras on palju pilte, kuid ma olen praegu omadega nii läbi, et panen mõned neist üles homme...
(today we were at the same place as i went to yesterday - a hunters´ hut nearby our village. kullo´s birthday was there and it was a surprise, so i couldn´t tell anything yesterday. i was real worried about the weather yesterday and it did rain as we were there today. but we got there fine despite the muddy road, because margus came with his "villis" and jaan with his moskvitch - what a great thing these old soviet cars are! i am really glad that so many people came, thank you so much! and as johann said, there are lots of photos in my camera, but i am so waisted now that i will post some tomorrow...)

Saturday, August 27, 2005

never enough water for pootsmann

there´s so much water, maybe even too much...

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

varandus (treasures)

vaatasin täna venna juures, kuidas onu hans mängis henriku mänguasjadega. ma arvan, et nendest kannidest oleks temale jätkunud mängida terveks aastaks. ta võttis iga asja nii põhjalikult ette ega pannud seda enne käest, kui oli üksipulgi läbi uurinud. tema jaoks on see vist terve varakamber. ja ega sellised aasta tuuris vennad, kellel tähelepanu jätkub tihtipeale pooleks sekundiks, ei oska oma varandust ju päriselt hinnata.

palju õnne sünnipäevaks, kallis venna!

(today at my brother´s place I watched how uncle hans was playing with henrik´stoys. i think these toys would have lasted him a whole year. he dealt with each thing so thoroughly and wouldn´t put it away before he was done with it completely. i suppose that for him it must have been a real chest of treasures. and these guys who are just a year old or so and whose attention span is half a second long sometimes, they don´t know how to appreciate their treasures really.

happy birthday, dear brother!)

august, kahekümne neljas

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

today 1. oliver

today 2. tõnu

Sunday, August 21, 2005

almost everybody were present Posted by Picasa

uncle enn and fresh honey Posted by Picasa

old smoke-sauna Posted by Picasa

the morning after - police at the lower left corner Posted by Picasa

muttide treff (oldies meeting)

eile tuutuga räpina taga ema kursaõdede kokkutulekul. tädi mari ja onu enn on ostnud omale igavese uhke, 120 aastat vana talukoha paksude metsade, mägede ja jõgede-järvede vahel. seal siis treff toimuski. isegi peaaegu kõik olid kohal.
tädi lille ja tädi ene viskasid mõnuga viina ja tegid nalja, nagu alati, väimeespoeg indrek muudkui aga käis ja täitis pitse. onu enn võttis oma tarust välja "lüpsisooja" meekärje ja kõik lapsed olid tal parvena ümber.
koju jõudsime veidi enne 1 öösel. ja hommikul selgus, et mõned asjad olid meie majast ära varastatud. valvekoer pootsmann ei teinud seekord hoiatuseks piuksugi.
(yesterday me and tuutu went to the meeting of my mother´s classmates from the university. it was in south estonia, near räpina. aunt mari and uncle enn had bought a grand 120 years old farm, surrounded by thic forrests, hills, rivers and lakes. that´s where the meeting took place. and almost everybody came, too.
aunt lille and aunt ene drank vodka cheerfully and cracked jokes, as always, and aunt lille´s son-in-law indrek kept filling the glasses. uncle enn took a fresh honeycomb out from the beehive and all the children were swarming around him.
we got home just before 1 AM. and it turned out in the morning that some stuff had been stolen from our house. watchdog pootsmann didn´t make a sound of warning this time.)

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

priit veski, one of the organisers, on his volvo that he saved from kuusakoski for a few thousand kroons Posted by Picasa

cruising Posted by Picasa

fiat Posted by Picasa

checking it out Posted by Picasa


kord kuus kogunevad vanasõidukite omanikud kuskil tallinnas, näitavad uhkelt oma kätetööd ja kruiisivad mööda linna. täna õhtul oli see nõmme turult koplisse. nii palju rahvast! mulle meeldivad kõige rohkem vanamehed, kes on uudishimulikud nagu väikesed poisid ja pistavad oma nina igale poole; nad uurisid isegi politseimootorratta põhjalikult üle, mis oli kruiisijaid eskortima tulnud...
(once a month the owners of old vehicles gather somewhere in tallinn, show off their handiwork and cruise around the town. tonight it was from the nomme market to kopli. there was such a crowd! i like the old men the most, who are curious like little boys and poke their noses everywhere; they even checked out thoroughly the police bike that had come to escort the cruisers...)

Saturday, August 13, 2005

kullo ja miniraamat (kullo and his book about minis) Posted by Picasa

ise (myself) Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

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uudised titerindel (news on the babyfront)

meil on siin üks sell, kes õpib käima. talle meeldib hirmsasti, et ta saab omaenda kahe jala peal seista ja ringi liikuda ilma, et peaks kusagilt kinni hoidma. isegi see ei loe, et pootsu ta iga päev vähemalt tosin korda ümber lükkab. ta lihtsalt tõuseb püsti ja läheb edasi.
(there is this guy here who is learning to walk. and he is really loving it that he can stand and move on his own two feet without anything to hold on to. and it does not matter that pootsu is pushing him over at least a dozen times a day, he just gets up and moves on.)

Friday, August 05, 2005

vanat�di maja k��k Posted by Picasa

onu hans Posted by Picasa

calatrasi catarratto chardonnay

joon siin üks veini.