Monday, October 31, 2005


ekspressi birgit palus, et ma teeksin loo näitleja tonu kargiga, kus ta kirjeldab oma tavalist päeva (selles "elu ühes päevas" seerias). kark osutus hoopis teistsuguseks inimeseks, kui ma olin ette kujutanud. millegipärast ei pidanud teda meheks, kes kavandab kõik ette kõige väiksema detailini.
birgit from ekspress asked if i would do an interview with the actor tonu kark, where he discribes his typical day (in the "life in a day of..." series). kark turned out to be a completely different kind of person than i had imagined. somehow i didn´t think that he would be the "i plan everything ahead to the minutest of details" kind of man.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

the old men are dying out

käisime täna kahel turul. kadaka tee autoturul ja balti jaama turul. mõlemas kohas oli vanasti palju vanamehi, kes müüsid kõiksugu kraami (kas keegi sooviks osta näiteks rinnaproteesi?). arvatavasti olid paljud asjad varastatud vanadest maamajadest, kuid mehed ja nende kaup olid tõesti vaatamist väärt. nüüd on neid aga väga vähe järele jäänud. turul käimine ei ole enam põnev...
aga pilt on minu onutütrest riinust, keda neljapäeval nägin, ja tema sõbrast camillost. riin on enamiku viimasest 12 aastast ära olnud, ühes või teises soojas maailma paigas. nüüd näib, et ta on eestis tagasi. loodan väga, et ta jääb siia.
we visited two markets today. the car market at kadaka street and the market near the central station. there used to be lots of old men selling all kinds of stuff (anyone fancy a breast prosthesis?) at both markets. probably a lot of it was stolen from old country houses, but the guys and their merchandise was really something. well, there are only a few of them left now. it has become boring to go to the market...
but the picture is of my cousin riin, whom i met thursday, and of her boyfriend camillo. riin has been away at one or the other warm place of the world for most of the past 12 years, but she seems to be back in estonia now. i do hope she stays...

Thursday, October 27, 2005

children had already left

hommikul naabermaja aias - kui meie jalutama läksime, olid need memmed juba valmist tehtud.
this morning in the garden of the neighbouring house - when we went for a walk, these guys had already been constructed.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

entering the village

sissesõit külla tallinna poolt, eile pärastlõunal. paari tunni pärast oli kõikjal juba märg tuisk.
entering the village from the tallinn direction, yesterday afternoon. a few hours later there was wet snow everywhere.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

meditarranean touch

nende akende juures oli midagi vahemerepärast. esimene on tehtud patarei vanglas, teine tallinnas hobusepea tänaval.
these windows had something meditarranean about them. first one is taken in the patarei prison, the second in hobusepea street in tallinn.

Friday, October 21, 2005

b&w, today in tallinn

stockholmi linnafotode näitus arhitektuurimuuseumis on tõesti kõva. mina ei tea, kuidas selliseid mustvalgeid fotosid trükitakse, kuid need on tõesti hämmastavad, teravad, selged ja ajatud. kuid näitus, mis on üleval viru keskuses, küll niimoodi jalust ei raba. mõned hr vissaku maastikud on head, aga trükikvaliteet näeb välja, nagu oleks need kodutindipritsist välja lastud, fotod raamides rullivad. küsida sellise kvaliteedi eest 1500 krooni näib olevat pisut ülepingutatud.
(the exhibition of stockholm city photograhs in the architecture museum is really really something. i do not know how they make these black and white prints, but they are just astonishing, crisp, clear and ageless. on the other hand, the exhibition that is on in viru center is not so breath-taking. some of the landscapes of mr vissak are good, but the print quality looks like they have run out of a home inkjet, the photos are curled inside the frames. to ask around 1500 kroons for this quality seems a bit exaggerated.)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

rats and cats

kaks rotti ja kaks kassi
(two rats and two cats)

Sunday, October 16, 2005

autumn in tagadi

vaade põllule meie maja lähedal. kuna on olnud nii soe, siis läks pärast rukki koristamist üles küntud põld uuesti roheliseks.
(a view fromm the field near our house. since it has been so warm till now, the grass has started to grow on the field that was plowed after the rye was cut.)

Saturday, October 15, 2005

the big wash

täna ma pesin ja puhastasin ära oma auto - esimest korda pärast seda, kui tonu sündis... selleks kulus 3,5 tundi ja olin pärast omadega täiesti läbi. rohkem ei ole tänase päeva kohta midagi öelda.
(today i washed and cleaned my car - fist time since tonu was born... it took me about 3,5 hours and left me completely wasted. i guess that is all there is to say about today.)

Thursday, October 13, 2005

morning at paljassaare

venelased käivad kummipaatidega katariina kailt kalal. nemad käivad muidugi igalt poolt kalal, ma olen näinud ühte kunagi pirita tee ääres kummipaati vette ajamas. paljassaare näib olevat koht, kust linn paistab enamasti udu sees. võibolla läheb seal õhtuks klaariks?
(russians go fishing in their rubber boats from the katariina quay. but they go fishing from everywhere, once i saw a guy take his rubber boat to see from the pirita road. paljassaare seems to be a place from which the town mostly looks foggy. maybe in the evening it clears off?)

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


pänus minu vanemate aias, eelmisel neljapäeval.
(in my parents´ garden, last thursday)

Monday, October 10, 2005

member of the public

see pealtvaataja näis olevat esimest korda favor offroadil. ta oli varustanud end spetsiaalsete kaitseprillidega - rajalt lendava tolmu vastu - ja oli väga mures, kas tema koha pealt avaneb ikka hea vaade. stiilne vana.
(this spectator seemed to be first time at favor offroad. he had equipped himself with these special goggles - against dirt from the track - and was very concerned if his place would provide him with a good view or not. a stylish old man)

old house

reedel teel pärnust koju - vana maja pööravere lähedal. põlenud, laastatud, põnev.
(on friday on the way home from pärnu - an old house near pööravere. burnt, destroyed, exciting.)

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


petsi (räägib teesaluga) raamatu "Hispaania saapad ja silmad" esitlus kirjanike majas täna. ei mäletagi, millal meil viimati oli aega rääkida...
aga see oli vahva väike üritus veidi veini ja heade rahulike inimestega. kui ma olin mingi igaviku eest eesti humanitaarinstituudi sisseastumisvestlusel, siis oli see vist rein raud, kes küsis, millised eesti kirjanikud mulle meeldivad. ma nimetasin peetrit, sest mulle on tema raamatud, mis on vahel veidi imelikud ja vahel kuidagi rõvedad, kuid lihtsad ja naljakad ja südamlikud, alati meeldinud.
ja leelo tungal ütles täna, et sellest väikesest sellist, kelle nimi on tõnu, me kindlasti veel kuuleme:)
(the presentation of pets´ (talks to lembit teesalu) book "Hispaania saapad ja silmad" today at the writers´ union. i don´t even remember when we had time to talk... but it was a nice small event with some wine and good relaxed people. when i was being interviewed for admittance to the estonian institute of humanities ages ago, i think it was rein raud, who asked, which estonian writers i liked. i named peeter, because i have always really liked his work that´s sometimes a little odd and sometimes kind of obscene but simple and funny and genial.
and leelo tungal said today that we will surely hear about this little guy whose name is tõnu:)

Sunday, October 02, 2005


tagadi vanakraamilaat, oktoober 2005.