paari nädala eest lendas mu arvutil kõvaketas. ma pole sellest ajast saadik bloogi ühtegi sissekannet teinud. nüüd on masin remondist tagasi, kuid ma kahtlen, kas veel paari päeva või nädala jooksul siia midagi üles riputan. mul on tohutu kuhi tegemata tööd ja väikesel tõnul siin tulevad jälle hambad või mis iganes tal viga on, igal juhul teeb ta mu elu üsna põrguks. pealegi tahaksin väga selle bloogiasja üle veidi järele mõelda, kui võimalus tekib.
a few weeks ago my computer´s harddrive crashed. i haven´t had an entry in this blog since. i have my machine back from the repairs but i doubt if i will enter anything for another couple of days or even weeks. i am really swamped with work and little tõnu here who is having teething problems or whatever is making life quite hell. besides, i would really like to think this whole thing here over, if i get a chance.
a few weeks ago my computer´s harddrive crashed. i haven´t had an entry in this blog since. i have my machine back from the repairs but i doubt if i will enter anything for another couple of days or even weeks. i am really swamped with work and little tõnu here who is having teething problems or whatever is making life quite hell. besides, i would really like to think this whole thing here over, if i get a chance.