Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Friday, February 24, 2006
how big is the cinema tv?
kullo õel on sel aastal 1. klass ja nad tahavad tallinna kinno minna. üks tema 1. klassi kutt küsis: kui suur on kino telekas? poisil polnud aimugi, mis asi kino on, sest ta polnud seal kunagi käinud ja ta arvas, et see on lihtsalt väga suur televiisor...
kullo´s sister is teaching 1st grade this year and they are planning to go to tallinn to the cinema. one of her 1st graders asked: how big is the cinema tv screen? the boy had no idea what cinema is because he had never been there, he thought that it must just be a very large tv...
kullo´s sister is teaching 1st grade this year and they are planning to go to tallinn to the cinema. one of her 1st graders asked: how big is the cinema tv screen? the boy had no idea what cinema is because he had never been there, he thought that it must just be a very large tv...
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
skiing and ships
muuga sadamas rääkis üks mees mulle täna ühe loo. umbes samal ajal veebruaris, kui tema ja mu isa veel koolis käisid, hakkasid poisid tundidest poppi tegema, et otepääl suusatamas käia. ühel päeval rääkis üks tüdruk kõik õpetajatele ära. järgmisel päeval saatis kool bussijaama ühe õpetaja, et ta poppipanevad koisid kinni püüaks. poisid said asjast teada ja läksid bussi peale järgmises peatuses. nüüd said õpetajad haisu ninna ja saatsid teise õpetaja ka sellesse peatusesse. poisid said taas asjast teada ja sõitsid otepääle võimalikult lähedale rongiga ning suusatasid sealt siis 8 km otepääle. kui kool sellest viimasest nipist teada sai, saadeti kolmas õpetaja raudteejaama. nüüd olid suusatamisfännidel nipid otsas...
a man in the port of muuga told me a story today. around this time of year, when he and my dad were in high school, the guys started to miss from classes to go skiing in otepää. one day a girl from their class told the teachers. the next day the school sent a teacher to the bus station to catch the guys who weren´t at school. the boys found out and went on the bus at the next stop. the teachers found out and sent another teacher to this next stop. the boys found out again and used the train to get as near to otepää as possible and then skied 8 km to otepää from there. when the school found out about this last trick, they sent a third teacher to the railway station. now the skiloving boys were all out of tricks...
Sunday, February 19, 2006
decay and rise
kaks meie küla maja. üks laguneb. pere, kelle oma see on, on maja maha jätnud. võõrad ja seal mängivad lapsed lõhuvad seda maja. teine, see terem-teremok, kerkib ainult umbes sada meetrit eemal.
two houses in our village. the one is decaying, abandoned by the family who owns it, demolished by strangers and children who play there. the other, this terem-teremok is being built just about a hundred meters from the first.
väga kõva tükk! minu meelest on see uus "armastus kolme apelsini vastu". veidral kombel saab millestki nii tõsisest ja igavast nagu "peak oil" rääkida seksikal, naljakal ja väljakutsuval moel. olen õnnelik, et pärast pikka teatriskäimise pausi sattus see olema esimene etendus, mida nägin.
very strong piece! i think it is the new "armastus kolme apelsini vastu". weird but it is possible to talk about something as serious and boring as "peak oil" in a sexy and funny and provocative way. i´m glad that after a long brake in theatre going this happened to be the first show that i saw.
very strong piece! i think it is the new "armastus kolme apelsini vastu". weird but it is possible to talk about something as serious and boring as "peak oil" in a sexy and funny and provocative way. i´m glad that after a long brake in theatre going this happened to be the first show that i saw.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
wolves, lynxes and others
paari nädala eest pärnust tulles oleksin peaaegu kahele kitsele otsa sõitnud. oli hilja ja pime, ma ei ületanud kiirust, ei näinud neid aga ikkagi, kui nad metsast tulid, et üle tee minna. õnneks reageerisid nad minust kiiremini ja pöörasid ümber. mõni kilomeeter hiljem nägin tee peal kitse, tema hingeõhk oli veel soe, talle oli otsa sõidetud. siis nägime umbes nädala eest oma kodu lähedal põtra, taas tee peal. ja kõige mälestusväärsem oli ilves, kes läks üle tee kernu lähedal.
loomad on liikvel ja neid on nagu ikka raske märgata - kuid talvel on isegi raskem reageerida, kuna auto ei ole nii kergesti manööverdatav. nende kohtumiste järel otsustasin aeglasemalt sõita - enda ja loomade pärast.
mude, eestis elab rohkem ilveseid kui hunte. mulle oli see uudis.
a few weeks ago coming from pärnu i almost hit two goats. it was late and dark, i wasn´t speeding, but still couldn´t see them when they came from the forest to cross the road. fortunately they reacted faster than me and turned back. just a few km-s later i saw a goat on the road, his breath was still warm, he had been hit. then about a week ago we saw an elk near our home, again, on the road. and most memorable was a lynx, who was crossing the road near kernu.
the animals are moving around and it is as difficult to notice them as ever - but in the winter it is even harder to react, since the car is not as manouverable. after these incidents i decided to go slower - for my and the animals´ sake.
by the way, there are more lynxes living in estonia than wolves. it was news to me.
loomad on liikvel ja neid on nagu ikka raske märgata - kuid talvel on isegi raskem reageerida, kuna auto ei ole nii kergesti manööverdatav. nende kohtumiste järel otsustasin aeglasemalt sõita - enda ja loomade pärast.
mude, eestis elab rohkem ilveseid kui hunte. mulle oli see uudis.
a few weeks ago coming from pärnu i almost hit two goats. it was late and dark, i wasn´t speeding, but still couldn´t see them when they came from the forest to cross the road. fortunately they reacted faster than me and turned back. just a few km-s later i saw a goat on the road, his breath was still warm, he had been hit. then about a week ago we saw an elk near our home, again, on the road. and most memorable was a lynx, who was crossing the road near kernu.
the animals are moving around and it is as difficult to notice them as ever - but in the winter it is even harder to react, since the car is not as manouverable. after these incidents i decided to go slower - for my and the animals´ sake.
by the way, there are more lynxes living in estonia than wolves. it was news to me.
call from the bank
mina ei tea, mis nende pangainimestega on, aga neile on võimatu ära öelda, kui nad sulle kõige nõmedamatel hetkedel helistavad. ma tõesti ei taha kuulata, kuidas nad mulle midagi müüa tahavad, olgu see lastekindlustus või midagi muud. kui ma tahan panga käest midagi osta, siis lähen ise ja teen seda. aga kui nad hakkavad mind telefonis tüütama, siis on ainus lahendus, mida ma leida oskan, öelda, et nad mõnel teisel päeval tagasi helistaksid - isegi siis kui ma olen kindel, et lõpuks ei taha ma nende pakutavat ikkagi osta.
nii et mõne tunni pärast on siis jälle kõnet oodata...
i don´t know what it is about the people from the bank but it is impossible to say no to them when they call you on the awkwardest of moments. i really don´t want to listen to them selling me something, be it insuarance for my kid or whatever. if i want to by something from the bank i go and do it. but when they start pestering me over the phone, the only solution i can find is to tell them to call on another day - even though i am sure that in the end i will say that i will know buy what they have to offer.
so in a few hours they will call back again...
nii et mõne tunni pärast on siis jälle kõnet oodata...
i don´t know what it is about the people from the bank but it is impossible to say no to them when they call you on the awkwardest of moments. i really don´t want to listen to them selling me something, be it insuarance for my kid or whatever. if i want to by something from the bank i go and do it. but when they start pestering me over the phone, the only solution i can find is to tell them to call on another day - even though i am sure that in the end i will say that i will know buy what they have to offer.
so in a few hours they will call back again...
Monday, February 13, 2006
big and small
nädalavahetusel oli uunikute klubi traditsiooniline talveralli. oleksin ka väga tahtnud minna. aga vähemalt tõnu võib uhke olla, et tema auto (katusel) võttis osa - ja sõitis peaaegu lõpuni...
unic moto had the traditional winter rally this weekend. i would really have wanted to go, too. but at least tõnu can be proud that his car (on the roof) took part - and almost made it to the end...
Thursday, February 09, 2006
meie kodus sai naabertoas eelmisel nädalal valmis värske motomaania number. viimaks. see on minu lemmikpilt ajakirjas neist, mis mul õnnestus teha.
at our home in the neighbouring room the fresh issue of motomaania was finished last week. finally. this my favourite picture from the magazine of the ones i managed to take.
motoshow like finns them have
eelmisel nädalavahetusel oli helsingis tore väike motonäitus. see ei ole pariis või milano või tokio, nagu napalm bikeri foorumis kirjutab (talle ei meeldinud isegi milano näitus...). aga soomlastel on oma 150 000 ratta ja pea sama paljude rolleritega siiski midagi näidata. võtame või näiteks nende bomberid ja streetfighterite ehitamise kultuuri...
last weekend there was a nice little motoshow in helsinki. it is not paris or milan or tokyo as napalm writes in the biker forum (he wasn´t too happy about the milan show either...) but the finns do have something to show with their 150 000 bikes and almost as many scooters. take, for example, their bomber movement and streetfighter building culture...
last weekend there was a nice little motoshow in helsinki. it is not paris or milan or tokyo as napalm writes in the biker forum (he wasn´t too happy about the milan show either...) but the finns do have something to show with their 150 000 bikes and almost as many scooters. take, for example, their bomber movement and streetfighter building culture...
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
villem driving in an old quarry near our house: in winter it is used for racing practice, in summer it is swimmable.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
some old news: my first show
17. jaanuaril oli mul päris esimene fotonäitus:) tagadi lähedale ähvardatakse ehitada mõned (tegelikult 7) paekivikaevandused . mõned naabrid, eriti mihkel, on hakanud sellele aktiivselt vastu töötama. mihkel palus, et ma teeksin mõned fotod juba tegutsevast kaevandusest - nii sõitsingi järva-jaani lähedale karinusse ja veetsin seal mõned tunnid. fotod olid üleval sellel koosolekul sakus, kus karjääride rajamist arutati. teistes valdades tuleb veel koosolekuid ja pildid käivad siis nendega kaasas.
on the 17th of january i had my very first photoshow:) they are threatening to build a couple of (actually 7) limestone quarries near our village. a few of the neighbours, especially mihkel, have started to actively work against this. mihkel asked, if i could take a few pictures of a quarry that is already operating - so i drove to karinu near järva-jaani and spent a few hours there. the photos were on show at the meeting in saku where the building of the quarries was discussed. There will be more meetings at other parishes involved and the photos will travel with the meetings.
on the 17th of january i had my very first photoshow:) they are threatening to build a couple of (actually 7) limestone quarries near our village. a few of the neighbours, especially mihkel, have started to actively work against this. mihkel asked, if i could take a few pictures of a quarry that is already operating - so i drove to karinu near järva-jaani and spent a few hours there. the photos were on show at the meeting in saku where the building of the quarries was discussed. There will be more meetings at other parishes involved and the photos will travel with the meetings.
Monday, February 06, 2006
pühapäeval käisime rabajärve vaatamas. see oli kinni külmunud. valge puutumatu lume sõõr. isegi loomad ei olnud julgenud sinna astuda. jätsime oma jäljed serva peale
sunday we went to the boglake again. it was frozen. a circle of white untouched snow. even animals had not dared to tread there. we left our trace on the edge.